Monetary Policy of India

Meaning of Monetary Policy

Monetary policy, according to D.C. Rowan, is the set of measures by monetary authorities aimed at regulating (a) the money supply, (b) the cost of money or the interest rate, and (c) the availability of money to achieve specific economic objectives.

he primary objectives of monetary policy are as follows:

Objectives of Monetary Policy


To Regulate Money Supply in the Economy

Monetary policy addresses both the money in circulation and credit created by banks. The supply of money is expanded through credit expansion and reduced through credit contraction.


To Attain Price Stability

The key aim is to ensure price stability and manage inflation. The price level is notably impacted by the money supply.


To Promote Economic Growth

Monetary policy plays a crucial role in providing the necessary currency and credit for economic development


To Promote Saving and Investment

By regulating interest rates and controlling inflation, monetary policy encourages savings and investment.


To Control Business Cycle

Monetary policy aims to manage the different stages of the business cycle, such as boom and recession.


To Achieve Stability in the External Value of Rupee

The Reserve Bank works to stabilize the exchange rate of the rupee with major foreign currencies.


To Manage Aggregate Demand

Monetary policy balances the aggregate demand and supply of goods and services. Credit expansion and interest rate adjustments are used to either boost or moderate demand, depending on the economic conditions.


To Ensure More Credit for the Priority Sector

Efforts are made to provide more credit to priority sectors, including agriculture, small industries, and weaker sections of society.