
The Memorandum and Articles of Association are foundational documents for any company, governing its operations and outlining the relationship between the company and its stakeholders. But how binding are these documents? Let’s dive into the binding force of Memorandum and Articles of Association and their impact on the business landscape.

1. What is the Memorandum of Association?

The Memorandum of Association (MoA) is a legal document that outlines the scope of a company’s activities. It specifies the company’s name, objectives, capital structure, and other essential details. This document is pivotal in determining the company’s legal capacity.

Binding Nature of the Memorandum

  • The MoA is considered a public document once a company is registered.
  • Any action beyond the scope of the MoA is considered ultra vires (beyond powers), and such actions are void.
  • It acts as a binding contract between the company and external stakeholders, including shareholders and creditors.

2. Understanding the Articles of Association

The Articles of Association (AoA) lay down the internal regulations governing the management of a company. They cover rules about directors, meetings, dividends, and voting rights.

Binding Effect of the Articles

  • The AoA forms a contractual relationship between the company and its members.
  • It also binds members to each other concerning the company’s internal management.
  • If any member fails to comply with the AoA, the company or any member can take legal action to enforce compliance.

3. Legal Status of Memorandum and Articles of Association

Contractual Relationship

  • Together, the Memorandum and Articles of Association establish a contractual framework.
  • Section 33 of the Companies Act 2006 (UK) explicitly states that the MoA and AoA bind the company and its members as if signed individually.

Key Points of Binding Force:

  1. Company to Members: The company is bound by the articles to act within the powers granted by these documents.
  2. Members to Company: Shareholders must act in accordance with the articles when exercising their rights.
  3. Members to Members: The AoA binds shareholders to one another, promoting fair and lawful conduct.

4. Can the Memorandum and Articles Be Changed?

While both the Memorandum and Articles of Association are binding, they can be amended under certain conditions.

  • Memorandum: Typically, this document is difficult to alter, especially regarding the company’s objectives.
  • Articles: Companies can update their Articles through a special resolution, requiring a majority vote from shareholders.

5. The Impact of Breaching the Memorandum or Articles

Any breach of the Memorandum or Articles can have serious legal and financial consequences. For example:

  • A company acting beyond the powers of its Memorandum can face legal challenges, and the action may be invalidated.
  • Shareholders or members breaching the Articles may face legal action from the company or other members.

Read More: What is a Memorandum of Association? Features, Purpose, and Importance of MOA


The binding force of the Memorandum and Articles of Association is significant in the governance and operation of companies. These documents not only regulate the company’s relationship with its shareholders but also ensure lawful and fair management of corporate affairs. Companies must ensure that both the MoA and AoA are well-drafted, compliant with the law, and adhered to by all members to avoid disputes and legal complications.

In summary, the Memorandum and Articles of Association act as the cornerstones of corporate governance, offering clarity and protection to all parties involved.

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